Remote Teams: The Future of Work




In a fearless competitive business environment, remote teams of seasoned IT professionals have transitioned from needed labor to crucial workers and this will only grow.

The tech sector is undoubtedly one of the largest and most valuable industries today and remote teams are becoming a fundamental part of small and big businesses. Yet, for many years, the shortage of tech talent has been decreasing and this is no secret. Consequently, companies are in an all-out hiring assault for skilled labor, looking to employ through different approaches. From nearshore outsourcing and staff augmentation to nearly putting signs on windows.

Although there is plenty of o tech talent worldwide, many cities experience a lack of local IT experts. A brilliant solution was developed from the industry that became a business-altering move for all companies: remote software developers. Being able to employ highly skilled professionals across the globe has become extremely beneficial. This is especially true for small companies who, for years, we’re repeatedly cast aside from the competition for not being able to attract seasoned developers due to the high pay required, benefits or bonuses. This relatively new approach allows businesses to save more without having an in-house team. Thus, allowing them to step in the same ring with their competitors and, more importantly, makes it feasible to hire workers from outsourcers.

Due to this shift in the employment scenery, remote teams have started to become a normal part of the culture and work structure of many companies. This is turn has led to several benefits for workers, specifically employers.

Increased productivity

Remote teams can produce at higher levels than on-premises teams and the reason may vary from individual to individual. Working in a familiar and controlled environment with no distractions and comfortable space plays a major role in this. Some employees use the remote possibility to focus on tough assignments during the peak of their creative hours

Consider this: most employees commute. Not only does this translate to more money spent on their side but it also decreases after-work hours. At the end of the day, it interferes with work-life balance, as well as with their productivity spikes. Note that, several people experience a jolt of energy and focus during the first hours of the morning but the process of getting up early and commuting can rob employees of that precious out-put. Remote teams can solve this and contribute massively to the project at hand.

Remote teams Lower costs

The benefits of having remote teams also shows when it comes to cost reduction. In the case of outsourcing, hiring from a provider means businesses don’t need to spend more money in an office space, expensive equipment, overall materials, healthcare, or benefits. This means fewer costs and less responsibility on the employer’s side.

More effective and less time-consuming meetings

Nothing puts productivity to a holt as an unexpected meeting or an unannounced visit from a colleague with a “this will only take 5 minutes” intro that has now led to an hour-long conversation. Interruptions of this nature can be extremely frustrating, adding to the already spontaneous meeting, stress, and loss of concentration.

However, this kind of situation rarely happens with remote teams. Meetings are scheduled beforehand and are held in a specific hour with a time limit so all team members can carry on with work with little interference as possible. For remote workers, operating remotely is all about efficiency. This means an increased ability to structure their work during those precious eight hours, spending less time on everyday communications, distractions or avoidable meetings that can simply be dealt with a message or email.

The best talent, anywhere

Each hiring process is intended to find the talent that fits a specific job role and the company culture itself. Although there is a large pool of talent to choose from, it can also be limited. Typically, companies hire professionals that live within a certain distance from their location. This means plenty of competition and, on occasion, a not so favorable result: companies that can outbid your businesses and out-perk your offer. Adding to this is an even more critical aspect. What if you can’t find the skilled professional you so desire? Not hiring the right person can be costly. Yet, there is a solution. Remote professionals provide your businesses with the needed talent with plenty of flexibility and at the same commitment. Now, you can hire that much-required frontend developer from Portugal to help your project based in Frankfurt.

Remote teams are undoubtedly beneficial for employers. With the possibility of remote work, employees can become everything a company desires. This translates into a more productive, agile, and concise team, fitted with self-guidance, awareness, and motivation. This one-slack away individuals can become a major source of efficiency and thrive within a team, streamlining operations and turning your business into a whole new machine with lowers costs, consistency and overall growth.

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